Faculty of technology- Univesity of Skikda Algeria

Journals Publisher


All Abstract will be published in either Conference Proceeding book, which will include an ISBN.

A selected of high-quality presented papers will be published as a special issue in the indexed journal:


Electrical Engineering &Electromechanics; Indexed in Web Of Science &Scopus



The selected papers will be published in extended version in different national journals



 1-Algerian Journal of Signals and Systems P-ISSN: 2543-3792 E-ISSN: 2676-1548



2-International Journal of Automation and Safety EISSN: 2992-1341



3-Algerian Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development ISSN: 2710-849x


4-International Journal of Energetica ISSN: 2543-3717







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